Training - Linux+ (XK0-005) - Self Paced
Training - Linux+ (XK0-005) - Self Paced
Your Linux career starts here. CompTIA Linux+ ensures IT pros, software developers, cybersecurity engineers and penetration testers have these necessary skills to support today’s tech systems.
Once redeemed, access to the training platform will be valid for 12 months.
Self-Paced learning
- Access to learning materials for 12 months
- Study at your own convenience and schedule
Features include:
- 24/7 access to CompTIA's official learning platform
- Practice exams and performance-based questions
- Online labs and simulations
- Self-paced exercises and assessments
Topics Covered
Chapter 1: Linux Pro Introduction
Chapter 2: Linux Overview
Chapter 3: Using Linux
Chapter 4: Installation and Localization
Chapter 5: Boot and Shutdown
Chapter 6: Graphical User Interface and Desktops
Chapter 7: Software Installation
Chapter 8: Users and Groups
Chapter 9: Disk and File Safety Management
Chapter 10: Processes and System Services
Chapter 11: System Monitoring
Chapter 12: Networking
Chapter 13: Cloud, Containers, and Virtualization
Chapter 14: Scripting and Automation
Chapter 15: Security
Appendix A: TestOut Linux Pro - Practice Exams
Appendix B: CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-005)- Practice Exams